it me

Jonathan Hoffman Software Engineer

I am an engineer experienced in photolithographic manufacturing processes and software development. Currently I work on microlens arrays and the machines that make them. My goal is to take on a software engineering role.


Wikipedia Searcher

Wikipedia Viewer

Learn about whatever you want with a simple search bar.

Weather App

Weather App

Weather at your location with a nice picture as a bonus.

Design Quote Generator

Design Quotes

Generate quotes and share them on twitter using the magic of jQuery.



A simple recipe app I made to showcase a few iOS skills.



A Swift framework that does Table Top Game dice for you.

Aaron Swartz Tribute

Aaron Swartz Tribute

My first web project.

Contact Me

Want a copy of my resume? Or know more about my experience in software development or micro manufacturing? Maybe you just want to know what I order at Chipotle*? Whatever it is, feel free to contact me. I will respond as soon as I can!

*Brown rice, black beans, steak, hot sauce, sour cream, cheese, lettuce, guac